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Declarative vs Programatic

The Dijit widget system expands on “Core Dojo” by providing rich, accessible and internationalized reusable components. Dojo has always had a custom declarative way of turning vanilla DOM nodes into complex widgets, but this is entirely optional, and likely faster to avoid.

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Why doesn’t myTitlePane.title = “work” ?

Newcomers to dijit often instantiate a widget and wonder why “normal” dom getter/setters don’t work to adjust the properties. There is a perfectly valid reason for this, so lets inspect.

For example, a Markup declaration of a dijit.TitlePane:

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What is a _Widget

There has never been a more generic term than “widget”. As a teen in economics class our theoretical compaines sold widgets, and almost anything on earth without description falls into a “thinger” category … I’m here to give API stability to the word “widget”, and poke around the idea of “template” in Dojo. I will call it Dijit.

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